This is the million-dollar question that everyone is thinking about. When this question was posed to Google's John Mueller.
He responded to the interlinking query by stating that interlinking that goes beyond site breadcrumb navigation is one of the "biggest things" a publisher can do to inform Google.
What is the most crucial content?
Breadcrumb navigation-
It allows visitors to navigate a website in a natural and seamless manner. With breadcrumb navigation, visitors can see where they are on your site, making it easier for them to figure out how to get where they want to go.
This is particularly crucial if you have a large number of pages, each with several subsections. Breadcrumbs will indicate which page your readers or customers are on and where else on your site they can go for further information.
Breadcrumb structured data-
Breadcrumb structured data appears commonly under the title of a Google search. The breadcrumb structured data is linked to your own website, with each item corresponding to a distinct section, allowing users to navigate around your site and return home if desired.
Breadcrumbs are a great way to assist customers explore your site without getting lost or seeing stuff that aren't relevant to them, and they also help Google figure out what content is linked so that their sites show up when people search for them.
Why internal linking is important?
Internal linking was not highlighted by John Mueller as a ranking factor. He said it's simply a good way to inform Google which pages on a website are significant.
When we take a step back and study how a website is structured, we can see that it is designed in the shape of a pyramid.
The pyramid's summit is a small point that often contains basic information about the site and the services it offers.
The themes move from highly general (at the top) to increasingly specific (as you navigate through the layers of categories and subcategories via the site navigation) (at the bottom of that pyramid site structure).
According to John Mueller, strategic internal linking is a method for directing Google and site visitors to the most popular or significant topics.
Interlinking can help Google and site visitors find important information faster.
As Mueller recommended:
“…You should look at it in a strategic way and think about what do you care about the most and how can you highlight that with your internal linking.”
The significance of internal linking is not for “tricking” Google into thinking that a web page is relevant for ABC. It tells search engines what pages are important. Internal linking is just a way to point to your vital content and make sure that search engines can find it and rank it.
When it comes to interlinking for SEO it is advisable that you take the assistance of professional digital marketing agency. Come to Stellar Digital we have a skilled team of digital marketers that can provide quality solutions. Simply, visit and checkout our digital marketing and SEO services.